Marshall 1959HW vs SonicTone '67 Special SL-100

  Marshall 1959HW SonicTone '67 Special SL-100
  Marshall 1959HW SonicTone '67 Special SL-100
Price: $3849 $2900
Power Output: 100W 100W
Preamp Tubes: 3 x 12AX7 4 x 12AX7
Power Tubes: 4 x EL34 4 x KT66 (or EL34 or 5881)
Tone Stack: 3-Band EQ, Presence 3-Band EQ, Presence
Number of Channels: 2, normal & bright, parallel gain 2, normal & bright, parallel gain
Inputs: 4 (requires jumper cable) 1
Master Volume
Tube-Driven FX Loop:
NFB Selector Switch:
Half-Power Switch:
Tolex: Classic Black Psychedelic Purple (or Classic Black)
Weight: 48 lbs 40 lbs
Country of Origin: U.K. U.S.

SonicTone Amplification is not affiliated with Marshall® Amplification. "Marshall 1959" is a registered trademark of Marshall® Amplification. The fully UK-made Marshall 1959HW model is currently not in production.

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