Magnatone SL-100 vs SonicTone Snakecharmer

  Magnatone SL-100 SonicTone Snakecharmer
  Magnatone SL-100 SonicTone Snakecharmer
Price: $4899 $3000
Power Output: 100W 100W
Preamp Tubes: 4 x 12AX7 4 x 12AX7
Power Tubes: 4 x EL34 4 x EL34 (or 6550)
Tone Stack: 3-Band EQ, Presence 3-Band EQ, Presence
Number of Channels: 1, selectable gain 2, independent gain & volume
Selectable Gain Voicing: No Yes (’87/’91 Switch)
Clipping Switch: No Yes (Gold/Silver Switch)
Buffered FX Loop:
Footswitchable FX Loop:
Send/Return FX Controls:
Series/Parallel FX Switch:
Footswitchable Solo Boost:
Half-Power Switch:
Footswitch: 1-Button 3-Button
Tolex: Snakeskin Snakeskin
Weight: 65 lbs 42 lbs
Country of Origin: U.S. U.S.

SonicTone Amplification is not affiliated with Magnatone USA. "Magnatone SL-100" is a registered trademark of Magnatone USA.

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