Compare SonicTone

Take the Taste Test

Click on the links below to take a look at why SonicTone is the best value when compared to some of the top big brand amp models out there. The choice is clear.

Note: The purpose of the contents of this page and its sub-pages is to compare amp models that 100% fully made in the U.S. or the U.K for an "apples-to-apples" comparison. Any other models produced in any other countries are not considered.

Round 1:
Magnatone SL-100


SonicTone Snakecharmer
Magnatone SL-100 Compare SonicTone Snakecharmer
Round 2:
Marshall JCM800


SonicTone '81 Special
Marshall JCM800 Compare SonicTone '81 Special
Round 3:
Marshall 1959


SonicTone '67 Special SL-100
Marshall 1959HW Compare SonicTone '67 Special SL-100
Round 4:
Fender 57 Custom Deluxe


SonicTone Delta Jr.
Fender 57 Custom Deluxe Compare SonicTone Delta Jr.
Round 5:
Vox AC-30 Vox AC-30


SonicTone RC-30
Matchless DC-30 Vox AC-30HW Compare SonicTone RC-30
Round 6:
Marshall JTM45 Marshall 1987X


SonicTone '67 Special
Marshall JTM45 Marshall 1987X Compare SonicTone '67 Special

SonicTone Amplification is not affiliated with Marshall® Amplification, Fender Musical Instruments Corp., Vox Amplification Ltd, Matchless Amplifiers or Magnatone USA. "Marshall JCM800", "Marshall 1959", "Marshall JTM45" and "Marshall 1987" are all registered trademarks of Marshall® Amplification. "Fender '57 Custom Deluxe" is a registered trademark of Fender Musical Instruments Corp. "AC-30" is a registered trademark of Vox Amplification Ltd. "DC-30" is a registered trademark of Matchless Amplifiers. "Magnatone SL-100" is a registered trademark of Magnatone USA.

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